Texture Bean Bag Posting

  1. Container with lid
  2. Velcro squares
  3. Fabric scraps
  4. Materials of different texture and sound
  5. X-ACTO knife
  6. Hot glue gun
How to Make: 

Cut different texture fabrics into squares. Hot glue inside out the same way on both side so you can hide the seams. This is very similar to sewing but a much easier no-sew solution. Then after the glue has dried, turn bean bag right-side-out and stuff with whatever materials you would like, such as cotton, plastic (for a crinkling effect), cardboard, or any other materials you might have laying around. Then just hot glue the open side closed and let dry.

Next, place one end of Velcro onto the back side of your bean bags, and the other side to your container. I found that even though the Velcro is sticky, it helps to put a little hot glue on the back of each Velcro square both on the container and the bean bag just to keep it secured in place.
Once your bean bags and Velcro are complete you can start customizing your container, but first, you will need to use your knife or scissors to cut a hole in the lid of the container. Make sure there are no sharp edges around the opening that might cut the children. Then hot glue a fun fabric on top for an outstanding sensory experience.   

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